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Bush Medijina

Bush Medijina translates traditional Indigenous native botanical knowledge into modern skincare, walking between 2 worlds; their traditional and culturally rich world and modern multicultural Australia. Bush Medijina was founded out of the need of the Community to help their People, especially those who could no longer be on Country. Not having access to traditional medicines in which these community members rely on (and trust) is really crucial to health and happiness for these people.

Bush Medijina operates out of a few shipping containers in Angurugu Country, on Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory. All botanicals are hand harvested, and then hand made and packaged in this β€˜Shed’ by Warningakalina women. This business model is very humbling, creates products full of care and passion.


*Trigger Warning*

Through their work, Bush Medijina has also allowed their Community to come together in a way that honours their knowledge and culture, and escape the struggles they face at home. The Communities on Groote Eylandt struggle with domestic violence, chronic illness, youth suicide, substance abuse, illiteracy and attend funerals on a regular bases. The hardships these women face can be escaped through their work, so supporting them in anyway has huge positive social impact.

The Community at Bush Medijina are proud and feel honoured to have this work, so by purchasing even just 1 product from them means so much to them and to us at Aggie. We are grateful that we can share Bush Medijina's story and support their Community in anyway that we can. Please read more about them and their future goals at their website here, and consider investing in their work through their donation program.

Impact & Community

  • Impact Mission:To lift our indigenous people and others up so that we can be stronger and healthier together. Our traditional knowledge comes from our connection to our land, native botanicals, our ancestors, and our stories. We have been using our bush knowledge and medicines to heal ourselves for generations.
  • Impact Areas:Empower Indigenous Communities, Ethically Sourced Bushfoods & Traditional Plants, Environmentally Sustainable, Inclusive Communities, Addressing Alcoholism, Suicide Prevention in Indigenous Communities, Empower Women
  • Where they work:AnindilyakwaΒ Country, NT
  • Community Size:10+