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Chocolate On Purpose

Meet Fiona, a proud Wiradjuri woman of the Bila Galari (Lachlan River) and Jo, her mudyibang (great ally and supportive friend). Fiona and Jo started Chocolate on Purpose, a small Indigenous owned business, blending Belgian chocolate with Australia’s best native botanicals.

Fiona feels the most grounded when on Ngurambang (Country), where the trees are members of her mob and the flowers, fruits and leaves are their food and medicine. This Wiradjuri Ngurambang (Country) was never ceded; it always was and always will be Aboriginal Land.

Through their chocolate and flavour choices, they create a depth of flavour that represents the Australian story of Connection to Country, to Each Other, and to the Custodians of this Land, Australia’s First Nations People.

Visit their website for more info on how they make their purposeful chocolates:  Chocolate On Purpose.

Impact & Community

  • Impact Mission:To share Culture through storytelling with chocolate, educating on the traditional use of the botanicals by our First Nations People, to deepen respect for their wisdom and culture.
  • Impact Areas:Empower Indigenous Communities, Ethically Sourced Bushfoods, Environmentally Sustainable, Inclusive Communities, Innovation of the Bushfood Industry, Bushfood Education, Empower Women
  • What is the symbolism behind your logo?Chocolate on Purpose’s logo honours Fiona’s ancestry and their brand identity embodies the Dreaming Story of Chocolate On Purpose, "The Eagle Spirit created Country and it was a beautiful place; this sacred Wiradjuri Country that connects us to our Old People, and which provides the land we continue to live and operate our business on today. Yindyamarra, the Dreaming Spirit within, created Chocolate On Purpose to be sure Country was a delicious place as well, and allows us to share this with People living on Traditional Lands across the continent.”
  • Where they work:Wiradjuri Country, NSW
  • Community Size:2