Nathalie Gits and Marie Liang are French born, Australia residing, co-founders of Violet & Gold. Their shared love of cooking planted the seed for Violet & Gold. And quinces. Marie offered a few quinces to Nathalie, and to cook them, Nathalie made a syrup with spices and Tasmanian pepper berries. The result? Delicious, tasty, addictive...
It’s how the idea for Violet & Gold was born: using Australian botanicals, like lemon myrtle, strawberry gum and wattle seed, to create syrup mixers. Think of them as super-fancy cordials to use in sparkling water, cocktails and mocktails.
Nathalie and Marie beautifully blend their love for French cooking with the unique and vast flavours of Australia. Join us on a tasty journey and discover the unique and exciting flavours of Australian natives, through VnG's mixers!
Visit their website for more info on how they make their syrups: Violet & Gold.